Monday, October 1, 2012


At the request of my lovely friend, Beth, I am writing a new post. Things in the Stewart home have been crazy for the last month or so. I have taken a full time job as a nanny, and watch 3 of the sweetest little girls. This is the first time in almost 4 years that I have worked full time. It really was a transition for me. I feel like I'm getting back in the swing of things though, so that is good. Bryce is still doing the IT thing. He seems to enjoy it. He is one of the top engineers in his area, and always has work to do. I tell him that even though he is always busy, it is job security! We are less than 3 weeks out from our first ever vacation together! (other than our honeymoon)! Words could not begin to describe how excited we are. We are going on a cruise with another couple who is very close to us! I have never planned something like this, so there are some nerves that things won't come together, but I know it all will. Bryce and I are starting the process of getting more involved in our church. It was a hard goodbye at our last church when we moved back to CO, so it has taken me a while to be want to get back involved in the church community. But I can't keep going on like I have. I have allowed my heart to become very hard and closed off, so it's time to start talking it out, and allowing God to deal with my hurt and bitterness! I always say this, but I'm hoping to get better at this whole blogging thing. It's good for my head to get things out and write about it!! Until next time...goodbye you little sweeties!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Partaking in the Buffalo Style Chicken Sandwich

So, the overall flavor of the meal was delicious. It was a success with my family, and it was a nice change up for my taste buds. The recipe called for the chicken to be cut into one and a half inch strips, but this did not lend well for shredding. Because of the bigger pieces of chicken, I put it on a tortilla with some shredded cheese. Very good!
This will be a recipe that I do again, but I will prep it by putting the whole chicken breasts in the crock pot and then put all the other ingredients over it. Whole chicken breasts are much easier to shred.
Yay for trying a new meal. Here's to many new ones in the future!

Thoughts on Preparation for the Buffalo Chicken Sandwich...via Pinterest this was more of a pain to get ready for the crock pot than I initially thought it would be. You have to cook everything outside of the crock pot, just to be able to put it all in there to cook together for 4 hours.
A dear friend of mine gave me this fabulously easy recipe for BBQ chicken. You put your frozen chicken breasts into the crock pot, cover them with your favorite BBQ sauce, and cook on high all day! EASY and DELICIOUS!
I can't help but to wonder if I could do the same thing with this recipe (Martha Stewart Slow-Cooker Spicy Buffalo Sandwich via Pinterest), and it would turn out just as delicious. The great thing about slow cooker recipes is that they are easy and yummy!
So far this wasn't an easy prep for a meal. Hopefully, it will taste fantastic!

New Chapter

So, Bryce and I have recently moved back to CO. Today marks 12 weeks that we have been out here. Bryce got a great job in Denver! He loves it, and they are so good to him. He is able to work from home often, which is great since we are living with my parents in Colorado Springs until we can get a place in Denver.
Seeing as I have yet to find a job, I have become a Pinterest addict. I am hoping to blog about all the fantastic things I am finding on Pinterest and then am trying. Should be fun. We will see how it goes.
Tonight I will be trying a slow cooker recipe for Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches. YUMMO!...or at least I hope it will be!